You can dowload it as an app on your phone and open it as a website on your computer.
It is COMPLETELY free, no scams or upgrades!
You can set the app to send you reminders every night to remind you of what is due the next day/week.
Use this (click here) to understand all of the things that My Study Life can do.
If you are struggling with setting up the app, look at video tutorials or check My Study Life's website.
Binders: the biggest debate of the century
There are several options of how you can organize your papers.
One option (probably the most common) is to have an A day binder and a B day binder. This makes it easier to just take one binder to school each day. However, you do need to remember to bring any work from your A day binder to work on during study hall (which is 3B for all freshmen.)
Another option is to have a small binder or folder for each class. This is harder to maintain because you have to keep track of so many binders, so it's not recommended unless you are very dedicated.
If you are very determined to have a binder for each class, it might be smart to use folders rather than binders so they take up less space and are easier to carry around.
This is a rare option, but you could have one binder for all of your classes. The downside to this is that it will be very large, but it will be easier to remember to bring because you won't have to switch anything out.